In consideration of my child (the “Participant”) being allowed to participate in WinterPLAY and the Shootout on the Snye event (the “Activities”), I, parent / guardian of the Participant, acknowledge and agree as follows:
I understand that the Activities by their very nature, involve risks of injury to my child and that the causes of these injuries may include but are not limited to the inherent risk of the Activities, breach of contract, breach of statutory duty or other duty of care, my child’s negligence, the negligence or wrong doing of other participants in the Activities, or the negligence of the Municipality. I hereby freely accept all of the risks however caused, whether the risks result in property damage, personal injury, or some other harm to my child.
As a condition of the Municipality allowing my child to participate in the Activities, I on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administers, successors and legal representatives:
A) agree to waive all claims that my child has or may have in the future against the Municipality for any injury, (including death), loss of property, property damage, financial loss or any other loss whether direct or consequential of or to me, that may result directly or indirectly from my child’s participation in the Activities, no matter how the loss is caused, including negligence on part of the Municipality but not limited to such loss being a result of my child’s participation in that Activities, breach of any statutory or other duty of care, my child’s negligence, the negligence or wrong doing of other participants in the Activities or negligence of the Municipality; and
B) remise, release, indemnify and forever hold harmless the Municipality from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, loss of services, actions and causes of action whatsoever at law or in equity which I have or may have, by reason of any act, occurrence, or thing whatsoever that may result from my child’s or a third party’s participation in the Activities, and without restriction the generality of the foregoing, on account of any injury, harm, disability, loss or damage of any kind, sustained or which may be sustained by my child however caused.